first off, i would start with the *orig* demuxed .m2v [not the length-adjusted version!] and the orig .wav transfer. i usually make a copy of the wav for "messing with" and import into Premiere [i'm a Final Cut Pro user, so my directions might need adjusting for Premiere]. based on yer previous attempt, these'll be OOS...
there might be other ways, but here's two:
1. cutting audio at song changes and adjusting the speed of each track [you might have to snip ends occassionsally if two smultaneous tracks overlap

2. There is probly some sorta key frame time-stretch function, either in the "audio effects" or "audio filters" options, or possible right on the timeline can adjust for speed using key frames, which sould give you more *professional* sounding results...check the manual maybe?
try searching the ttd technobabble/archive with "resyncing" or "video/audio out of sync" should find something in a past thread
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